The Adaptil Junior Collar (45cm)is a simple yet highly effective way to comfort newly adopted puppies and support their training and education in a new environment. Lactating bitches naturally produce an appeasing pheromone, which provides reassurance to their puppies, helping them feel safe and secure when encountering new experiences and unknown environments.
Lactating bitches naturally produce an appeasing pheromone, which provides reassurance to their puppies, helping them feel safe and secure when encountering new experiences and unknown environments. Note that perception of the appeasing pheromone remains during adulthood.
The active constituent of the Adaptil Junior Collar is a synthetic analogue of the Canine Appeasing Pheromone at a concentration of 50g/kg.
The Adaptil Junior Collar is ideal for:
The Adaptil Junior Collar is designed to be worn continuously around your dog's neck. Adaptil Junior Collar should be removed before bathing or shampooing and replaced again when your dog's coat is dry. Each collar lasts for approximately 4 weeks and is available in three sizes:
Fasten the collar around your dog's neck for sizing. The excess of the collar can be cut off and discarded.
Type: Anti - Anxiety Products